
I NEED to go to bed, but I wanted to pop in and say Baptist Campus Ministries (BCM) is incredibly friendly. They exemplify a welcoming community of believers. Even though I still feel a bit awkward during hang out times when I don’t really know people, I find this group very inclusive when you approach any of them.

So yeah. Friendliness is so important in ministry/mission. And BCM wins.


College…University…It’s a Thing?

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I’ve existed in a mental rollercoaster for the past week, which says a lot since I don’t generally possess emotions.

Last Friday, I moved into my dorm room.

Wednesday classes started.

And now I’m totally exhausted and a tiny bit lonely and very self-consious.

I mean, part of my personality is that I doubt myself readily and fold into myself. I also replay embarrassing moments again and again. Nothing terribly embarrassing has happened, but I do second guess my every move. :/

It’s only eight:seventeen, but I’m so tired after going on a BCM retreat last night. So yeah. Bye.